Flames of My Homeland Exhibition Opens at Wesleyan
Feb 23, 2021 | Wesleyan University | flamesofmyhomeland.org
Flames of My Homeland
The Cultural Revolution and Modern Tibet
Works by Tsering Dorje, Tsering Woeser, and Ian Boyden
Tsering Dorje (1937–1991), a native Tibetan, served as an officer in the People’s Liberation Army. His black and white photographs provide a rare visual record of the violence perpetrated in Tibet during a period of book burnings, political rallies, and public struggle sessions. His daughter, widely known by the single name Woeser, is a poet, essayist, and photographer, and is a leading Tibetan public intellectual in China whose work ranges from political criticism to reflections on Buddhist belief and practice, and the challenges of inhabiting both Chinese and Tibetan cultural worlds.
The exhibition incorporates photographs by Tsering Dorje and Woeser, and a set of original collaborative works by Woeser and Ian Boyden ’95, featuring multimedia installations. The exhibition is curated by Boyden, William Frucht, and Associate Professor of Religion and East Asian Studies Andrew Quintman.
Physical exhibition in Ezra and Cecile Zilkha Gallery, Wesleyan University. Feb 24 to April 1, 2021.
A virtual exhibition may be found at flamesofmyhomeland.org.